Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Could it be this hiatus has been because of a tsunami of events? Why yes. Seems my initial fretting over selling our Livonia home was all for naught, as shortly thereafter we received an offer! Not that that process wasn't fraught with the usual back and forth shell game. But, alas, the paperwork is signed, sealed, delivered!

More importantly what's consumed our lives over the last weeks has been our new home in the panacea of Michigan: Ann Arbor!

This little bank owned gem in Burns Park was a rental home in pretty good shape. We closed mid March, and of course the "pretty good shape" has turned into more work than anticipated, but nothing like our former home. It all has been a bit overwhelming but soon it will all be a distant memory.

The absolute best part of the story is my 1.4 mile commute to the office! After Mother Nature dumped a fresh layer of snow the day after our "official" move, not having to get in the car and drive was the sweetest delight, even if the sewer was backing up from my morning shower.