Thursday, February 9, 2012

Limony Snicket's: A Series of Unfortunate Events

How can one month of the year be so daunting and exhausting? At least part of the plan of action hasn't wavered--too much. I registered for the 1/2 marathon, and have been picking up the feet to get back into running shape.

Brief aside: Dr. Oz, please stop telling people walking is exercise. I'm huffing and puffing so badly while running it's a wonder spectators on the path aren't calling 911, worried I'll keel over. And this from a woman who's walked/hiked 1-2 hours a day for the previous 12 months. Thankfully, my body is uttering "Oh, yeah, I remember this!" I ponder what the average bloke, waking up at near 50 thinking, hmm, let me try running, who's never run/walked/moved before in their life would feel like.

Back to the perpetual full moon or past life/this life mistakes coming back to haunt me. It all started (I believe) one fateful evening early in January where I headed to St. Joe's to meet with a SafeHouse Center client. A couple days later, the Plague descended upon me, and till this day, has not left the hallows of my chest, much to the chagrin of my husband, coworkers, or anyone else within 50 feet of me who must endure the repeated echos of a hacking cough -- though thankfully have not succumbed to the same disease! Two doctor visits later, and at the end of week 4, it is dissipating, but for a solid three weeks, I was coughing to the point of sore ribs, blood shot eyes and tears.

Besides the Plague, it's the gnawing gaffes that have popped up all month: The drunk who slid into my car one snowy night, taking off the bumper; the dishes that came crashing out of the cupboard onto the floor; setting a not fully sealed water bottle down next to me and realizing too late I'm in a puddle of water; falling into a mud pile, twice, while walking the dog; the dog that got skunked--and then again almost a 2nd time the next day.

I realize these are all small annoyances that don't amount to the tragedy that many suffer, but piled up day after day have just taken a certain toll.

I've been trying to "chin up" but I think last night I about hit the breaking point, dissolving into a puddle of tears as I left the house for a Jewel Heart class. The topic was "Enthusiasm" for the spiritual path. True to form, the uplifitng words of fellow sangha members, as well as my effort to bring my focus back to the "big picture," I returned home a new person.

Here's wishing for a rose-filled February!

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